Class Details

  • Class Start 25 August, 2022
  • Class Time 09:00AM - 01:00PM
  • Class Day Sunday-Friday
  • Total Seat 25 - 30 Kids
  • Kids Ages 04 - 08 Years
  • Language English
  • Rating

Vedic Math (High Speed Maths)

Vedic Maths is a collection of Methods or Sutras to solve numerical computations quickly and faster. It consists of 16 Sutras called Formulae and 13 sub-sutras called Sub Formulae, which can be applied to the solving of problems in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics, etc..

  • Math problems canbe solved withamazing accuracy & speed
  • Vedic Math is simple, easy to understand, easy to apply and easy to remember
  • Helps students solve the maths problems about 15 times fater
  • Improves mental calculations
  • Reduce dependence on calculators