Class Details

  • Class Start 15 May, 2022
  • Class Time 011:00AM - 03:00PM
  • Class Day Sunday-Friday
  • Total Seat 20 - 30 Kids
  • Kids Ages 11 - 15 Years
  • Language English
  • Rating

Hand writing


If you are willing to improve your handwriting and write better with clarity - this beginner's course is exactly the step to get started right away with us. Sweety Kothari, a renowned graphologist has designed this course to include daily exercises to improve on paper writing skills. The classes will help students to practice immensely well and you will explore the right ways of holding a pen while writing, pen strokes, etc. It will help them to focus on the specific shape of letters, e.g. their roundness or sharpness, Regular or irregular spacing between letters, the Slope of the letters, Rhythmic repetition of the elements, or arrhythmia, and Pressure to the paper..

The Three Stages to Learning Handwriting

  • Stage 1 – Pre-handwriting Patterns.
  • Stage 2 – Single Letter Formation.
  • Stage 3 – Joined Handwriting.